The English rose is a beautiful English rose with deep pink flowers. The blooms are large and full, and the plant has a strong, sweet fragrance. This rose is a great choice for any garden, and it will make a lovely addition to any bouquet or arrangement.
-The English rose is a beautiful English rose with deep pink flowers.
-The blooms are large and full, and the plant has a strong, sweet fragrance.
-This rose is a great choice for any garden, and it will make a lovely addition to any bouquet or arrangement.
How to care:
-The English rose prefers full sun and well-drained soil.
-Water regularly, and fertilize monthly during the growing season.
-Prune annually in late winter or early spring.
Water requirement:
The English rose requires regular watering, but it is drought tolerant once established.
Fertilizer requirements:
Fertilize monthly during the growing season.
Prune annually in late winter or early spring.
Ideal temperature:
The English rose prefers cool temperatures and does not tolerate heat well.
Soil type:
The English rose prefers well-drained soil
Propagate by seed, cuttings, or division.Roses may be rooted at any time of the year, but for home gardeners, success is much more likely during the cool months from November through February. Late fall is a favorite time because there are usually a few blossoms still remaining on everblooming types to identify them.The easiest part of the rose to root is the tip of stems that have recently bloomed. Ideally, these tips have withered flowers, or hips, beginning to form. The flower heads or hips should be removed down to the first set of healthy leaves. Cuttings should be 6 to 8 inches long and be cut from the parent plant with a sharp knife or pruning shears at about a 45 degree angle. It is important that the cuttings not be allowed to dry out or be exposed to extreme heat or cold, at least until they are stuck into the rooting medium. Experienced old rose collectors often carry styrofoam ice chests, plastic bags, a small amount of water, and ice if they are likely to be in very hot conditions before getting the cuttings to the rooting area. Cuttings may be stored for several days in this manner, if necessary, but the sooner they are stuck, the better.
Landscape uses:
The english rose is a beautiful English rose with deep pink flowers. The blooms are large and full, and the plant has a strong, sweet fragrance. This rose is a great choice for any garden, and it will make a lovely addition to any bouquet or arrangement.