Showing 1–9 of 70 results

Amaranthus Aurora

Amaranthus Aurora is a stunning annual plant that produces beautiful, long-lasting flowers in a range of vibrant colors. The flowers are borne on tall, slender stems and make excellent cut flowers. Amaranthus 'Aurora' variety is easy to grow and is perfect for adding color to any garden.

Amaranthus Bicolor Illumination

Amaranthus bicolor, also known as Illumination, is a tender annual that is often grown as a summer flowering plant. The plant grows to a height of 12-24 inches and has a spread of 12-24 inches. Amaranthus bicolor leaves are oblong to lanceolate, and the flowers are small and borne in clusters. The plant is native to tropical America, but is now grown in many parts of the world.

Amaranthus Love lies Bleeding

Amaranthus Love lies bleeding is a large, showy plant with striking reddish-purple or gold, velvety, drooping flower panicles that create dramatic focal points in summer to fall gardens.

Amaranthus tricolor Early Splendor

Amaranthus tricolor Early Splendor is an annual flowering plant that is native to South America. The plant grows to a height of 2-3 feet and has large, tri-colored leaves that are 2-6 inches long.

Amaranthus tricolor Splendens Perfecta

Amaranthus tricolor is an annual plant known for its brightly colored foliage rather than its flowers. This plant is grown as an edible crop in some parts of the world.  The genus name comes from the Greek word amarantos meaning unfading in reference to the long-lasting flowers of some species.

Antirrhinum F-1 Admiral Tall

Antirrhinum F-1 Admiral Tall is a tall and slender variety of Antirrhinum with deep blue flowers. It blooms in late spring and early summer, and is a great addition to any garden.

Antirrhinum F-1 Extra Dwarf

Antirrhinum F-1 Extra Dwarf is an annual herbaceous plant in the genus Antirrhinum. The species is native to Europe, North Africa and West Asia. It is a hybrid of Antirrhinum majus and Antirrhinum minutum.


Arctotis is a genus of flowering plants that includes about 50 species. The plants are native to Africa and have daisy-like flowers. The flowers are typically yellow, orange, or white and have a long flowering season. The plants are drought-tolerant and do well in warm climates.

Aster Princess

Aster Princess is a beautiful plant that blooms in the summer and fall. The flowers are white with a pink center and have a delicate, sweet fragrance. The plant is easy to care for and is drought tolerant.